Sunday, March 30, 2008

What Nature Can Teach You About Life

My students dr pelbagai negara, bangsa dan agama

Want to know my result?

Activity: Mount Climbing
Location: Mount Datuk, Rembau
Height: 2500m
Duration: 3 hours (max) to the top, 2 hours (max) to the bottom
Objective: Reach to the Peak of Mountain

Learning Outcome:

Courage - The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear. Everywhere there is steep slope, snakes, scorpion and lipan that can harm you. But you need to be brave to face all the possibility on your own with confidence and self-possession. Courage is one of the secrets of success.

Perseverance - persistence, steadfastness, patience, or tenacity. It’s the ability to hold on to your goal like a pit bull, refusing to let go, regardless of the obstacles. No matter how tired, fear and injury, you need to be consistent to reach to the top. After all, if you keep moving towards your goal, never quitting, you will eventually reach it. Perseverance is one of the secrets of success.

Determination – Is the result from our sense of purpose. What determines who succeeds and who fails? Is it luck, preparation, and circumstances shape our possibilities. But none of these are either necessary or sufficient. The one indispensable factor in success is determination. Your degree of determination makes the crucial difference. Be determined to reach to the top!

Teamwork - Cooperative effort by the members of a group or team to achieve a common goal. Teamwork is not only limited to working together but it collectively means to achieve whatever is planned, by helping each other. Teamwork is the spirit to care for others in your group help them, support them and then win together. You need to help each other at the same time fulfilling the duration of the time. If anyone of you is incompetent and hopeless, just leave them. You only need to help those who want to help themselves. Teamwork is one of the secrets of success.

Endurance - the ability to suffer pain, distress, hardship or stress of any kind without succumbing. It is painful, stressful and hard to move on to the top. You need to endure the challenge and move on whatever happens. You can’t just quit. Life is tough, endurance is one the key to success.

Risk taker –You need to be trained to be a person who is not fearful of uncertainty and may even enjoy risky, speculative situations. He or she is a person who will take a chance in hopes of winning. You need to risk of injury in the hope of gain or excitement at the top of the mountain. Being a risk taker is one of the qualities for successful person.

Health – Exercise can prevent having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease. Help you stay fit and healthy. You will feel better, have more energy, improves your mood, combat chronic disease, help you manage your weight, strengthens your heart and lungs and perhaps even live longer!

Aryana’s result: C+ (Pass)

Aryana go up 2.5 hours, going down 2 hours (lot of relax) naik bukit motivated, tapi turun bukit asyik2 stop for relax. You spilled Twisties on the top of the mountain and not respect the nature. The 4th out of 8 of ladies arrive to the top. Well done!

This is not my word...
Langit itu luas berfikir luaslah...
Bumi itu besar berjiwa besarlah...
Gunung itu tinggi bercita-cita tinggilah...

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