A beautiful face and a boring mind is boring, boring, boring
A beautiful body with a boring mind is boring, boring, boring
A fit and healthy body with a boring mind is boring, boring, boring
If you are yourself a boring person do you notice that other people are boring?
Interesting jobs, interesting feat, knowledge and interesting experience can all make someone more interesting. (Edward De Bono)
How much time do you spend to be interesting person? Or you don’t even think about it?
Hi, about your question: I try to be myself, no matter it's boring or something. You know why?
How about you?
sometimes a person's character is inborne. of course some r brought-up and environment nurtures them. You cannot pretend to be interesting. Only hypocrates pretend to be something different to please others. In this respect,
i tend to agree with sirsia be yourself.
People tend to like for what your are not what others want you to be.
Dont simply follow other peoples' quotation create your own thinking.
That makes you special.
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